Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question?

The answers to many Frequently Asked Questions can be found here,
but if you still have a question, please get in touch.

  • You can, but it’s not recommended, unless you are advertising a specific promotion, such as an event.

    Why? Because advertising doesn’t work instantly. We wish it did.

    Our long-term customers tell us they get the best results from consistent advertising for 6 or 12 months. Frequency is key to see a return on your investment. Potential customers, on average, need to be exposed to your advertisement three or more times before they will trust and commit to purchasing your product or service.

    One advert alone will not grow your brand or increase your sales.

  • We can guide you on which area could work best for your type of business. We have extensive knowledge of our circulation area with many years’ experience understanding what types of business perform better in which magazine.

  • That’s a great question! We use our own, hand-picked distribution team of around 58 people to deliver our 15,500 magazines each month. Most (but not all) are teenagers who live in the areas where they deliver the magazines. We carefully select our team and make sure, for the younger distributors, their parents/guardians are onboard to help out if needed.

    All our distributors use a GPS tracker app providing a time-stamped record of each house that has been visited. We use this app because it gives our advertisers ultimate reassurance and guarantee that each copy really is being hand delivered to each home.

    Once a round is complete, a member of our admin team receives a notification. We review the round has been completed and pay the distributor for their work.

  • That’s not a problem. In fact, we prefer it that way unless you have instructed a marketing agency to create your artwork.

    By using our own professional in-house design studio, we can create bespoke, eye-catching advertisements and advertorials, according to your own specifications - and it’s all FREE OF CHARGE.

    We want your advertising campaign to succeed, which is why you don’t pay for design. You can even change your advert every month too, if you wish.

    So, if you do not have your own artwork, don’t worry, we can take care of that for you and it won’t cost you a penny.

  • Advertising doesn’t work instantly, it requires an amount of patience. Your potential customers, on average, need to be exposed to your advertisement three or more times before they will trust and commit to purchasing your product or service.

    Our discerning customers spend their advertising budget wisely, by advertising consistently over a long period of time (6 or more months). Sometimes this means they book a smaller advert just so they can stay in the magazine for longer.

    In the world of advertising, frequency (not size) is the key to success. All good things take time, and advertising is no different. We cannot stress this enough.

  • Some are – but not ours!

    We pride ourselves on having a high content to advertising ratio. Every issue of EssentialsMAG is packed with original writing, featuring topical and relevant articles covering a wide range of subjects, from financial advice and local history, to nature and wildlife, health and wellbeing. These are written exclusively for us by our team of local expert guest contributors.

    We also publish an extensive local ‘What’s On Guide’ and ‘Community News’ section too.

  • We welcome features for consideration, especially if we think they might be relevant to our readers.

    We do not charge for editorial. Our only specification is that is must be informative and not a ‘sales pitch’ for your business.

    However, if you would like us to feature a ‘sales pitch’ type of content then you can pay for an advertorial. This is the same price as an advert depending on the space you book. The only difference is we add the words ‘Advertising Feature’ to make it clear to our readers it is paid content.

  • There’s always someone willing to do it cheaper - every business owner will know that!

    As the wise quotation states: “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things.” It’s far better investing in long-lasting quality once, than buying cheap, cut-rate which you will only have to change later on because it’s not working for you.

    We’ve been serving the local community since 2005 and, during this time, we have built a strong, loyal readership. Our readers tell us they look forward to receiving EssentialsMAG through their letterbox every month; they sit down with a hot drink and they take their time to read our magazine cover-to-cover. We’ve become an integral part of the local community.

    Our readers trust what they see, and our advertisers benefit as a result.

    Yes, there are cheaper publications out there, but ask yourself – do they have this same experience and customer loyalty?

    “You get what you pay for” is truly the applicable adage when it comes to marketing and advertising for the growth of your business.

  • Every month, EssentialsMAG is delivered to 14,000 homes around Wrexham and the bordering Cheshire villages.

    It is also available to pick up at many locations, including local shops, newsagents, farm shops, coffee shops, garden centres, hairdressers, hotels and restaurants.

    Take a look at our Circulation tab for a comprehensive map.

  • Yes, most definitely. Many of our long-term customers allocate their budget to alternate between our two magazines. This gives them maximum exposure during an allotted period of time.

  • Being a local community magazine, it’s our pleasure to help promote any local charity, community council, club, organisation, etc, as much as we possibly can. After all, we are a fantastic platform to spread your message easily to a wide local audience.

    We do not charge for any editorial space, or the events we promote in our ‘What’s on Guide’.

    Please get in touch with Vicky to see how we can help. Tel: 01978 855459

  • Choosing the best format for your brand or business depends on your goals. For some, social media and Google ads are the best platform to use for instant responses and results, while other companies may find more value in print ads. The benefit of using print as an advertising medium is that it is a tangible and emotive experience for consumers.

    Research has shown that most social media users are under the age of 30, so that limits you to a very small age bracket. Is this age group your target audience? One of the advantages of print is that it can reach a much broader group of people, as almost everyone can read a magazine.

    However, if your budget allows, using both formats can help increase your traffic and broaden your company’s horizons, especially when done strategically. The best thing that you can do is define your target audience and then go from there.

  • Our prices are competitive and we automatically apply discounts depending on how long you advertise for. However, we’ll happily give you a further 10% discount if you pay upfront for the duration booked.

  • You can advertise your local event/class/course for FREE on our website. You can add this yourself too.

    Simply visit the ‘What’s On’ tab and click on the green ‘SUBMIT EVENT’ button and input the details (don’t forget to add a nice photo too!).

    Every month we take a selection of these local events and classes and publish them in our magazines.

  • As well as being delivered to 15,500 homes each month, EssentialsMAG is available to pick up at many local locations around Wrexham and the bordering Cheshire villages. These include: local shops, newsagents, farm shops, coffee shops, garden centres, hairdressers, hotels and restaurants.

    If you’d like us to post a copy to you, please get in touch.

  • In order to start your advertising plan, and to benefit from the long-term discounted rate, a direct debit will be set-up. It’s very simple and hassle-free as we manage all this for you.

    Other methods of payment we accept are bank transfers and credit cards.

  • The copy deadline is around the 15th day of each month prior to your advertisement appearing. But we will confirm this when you book.

  • Yes! We can help raise your business profile and increase your visibility by implementing a series of bespoke and affordable marketing activities.

    First off, we’re passionate about all aspects of design. Whether that’s creating a new company logo, brochures and leaflets, exhibition displays, van livery, promotional items, or updating your business identity and stationery.

    We can also help you stand out from the crowd with our web design packages.

    Visit ‘Our Services’ section for more details.

  • The best way to book is to give Vicky a call on 01978 855459 so she can run through your requirements and details.

“Great magazine! EssentialsMAG is the first place I go to if I’m looking for a local trade. So far, every local company I have called from the magazine has been great. The local information is brilliant.”